A Sufi Teacher in the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Sufi Order, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee has specialised in the area of dreamwork, integrating the ancient Sufi approach to dreams with the insights of modern psychology. In recent years the focus of his writing and teaching has been on spiritual responsibility in our present time of transition, and the emerging global consciousness of oneness. Author of several books, including Awakening the World: A Global Dimension to Spiritual Practice, Spiritual Power: How it Works, he lectures throughout the United States, Europe and for the first time in Australia and New Zealand.
Thursday Evening Talk Topic: Awakening the World: A Global Dimension to Spiritual Practice. 25 Oct, 7-9.30 pm
at Blockhouse Bay Boat Club, Endeavour St, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland.
Friday Evening Talk Topic: Anima Mundi: The World Soul,
26 Oct, 7-9 pm at Auckland Unitarian Church, 1A Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland.
Saturday One-Day Seminar 27 Oct, 10 am - 5 pm at The Sharda Centre, 15 Percy Graham Dr, Tuakau. Accommodation available but pre-booking needed. Bring a plate for lunch.