Registration essential.
Fee $250.00 (deposit $100)
This is a rare and remarkable opportunity. Come and listen to the spiritual head of the Sufi Order International (www.sufiorder.org), a holistic interfaith school of spiritual transformation. Sufism isn’t a doctrine or religion and doesn’t require adherence to dogma or ritual. It welcomes members of all races, nations, and beliefs. It could be thought of as seeking God in the heart of humankind, a religion of the heart, or of love, harmony, and beauty.
Through his teaching, Pir Zia awakens a sense of the sacredness of life. His deeply mystical presence is uplifting and inspiring. The Sufi teachings of Spiritual Liberty offer practices and teachings that cultivate a practical compassion which can changes lives.
For registration and information contact;Jamila Cranston-Buckley: jamilia@clear.net.nz (09-8180478 or 021930881)
Hakim Chris Bailey: bailznz@hotmail.com (021413177)
Pre-booking is necessary for you to arrange accommodation and meals.
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